Feeling Hungry? Try easy living food with organic wheat seeds for sprouting!

 We provide you with organic Wheat Grain/Seeds for growing wheatgrass or sprouting. These are Single variety wheat berries that are flawless for growing/sprouting Wheatgrass. These seeds hold a high germination rate and a very even growth. This hardy and old-fashioned wheat variety ’Timilia’ was chosen for germination because it is extremely well suited to the production of wheatgrass. The variety of our wheat does not have a tendency to frot when the grass is juiced. It is a good bread-making variety too! Store in a dry place, cool with good air circulation.

Facts of Nutrition and health benefits of wheatgrass 

Wheatgrass (also known as easy living food)  contains vitamins B, C, and E.  It also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, pantothenic acid, phosphorus and amino acids, and 15% Protein.

 During sprouting, minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, bind to protein, causing them more bioavailable. The content of vitamins and essential fatty acids also raises during the sprouting process.

What is Peruvian cacao good for?

Peruvian cacao nibs are essential living foods. Our Cacao nibs are packed with flavonoids. These nutrients have been indicated to help lower blood pressure, improve blood flow to the brain and heart, and aid in preventing blood clots. The flavonoids in cacao powder may help increase insulin sensitivity, reducing your risk of diabetes.

 Our Trendy and Stylish The Sahara Dehydrator

We have been seduced by this top-of-the-range dehydrator made in the United States Of America. Indeed, it folds in 10 seconds and can be placed aside after use to easily find its place in the kitchen, and it can also be taken on a journey. We use dehydrators of all brands on a personal basis for more than fifteen years and this one immediately seduced us for the quality of its design, its materials, its 1M² total surface of drying and the fact that it can be stored fast.

 The Sahara folding dehydrator provides the ultimate performance and convenience to dry and preserve your all-time favourite foods. Bringing together the rich history of food dehydration with a totally foldable body, optimized air circulation and heating, and a trendy and stylish design. Once the program is complete, the food remains at 35°C while you wait to put them away.

If you are feeling low inside don't worry our products will help you come back to life with our living foods.





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